

I’m Sick of Your Tiny, Tiny Type

Your tiny type is hard to read – no, not hard to read, impossible to read. I carry my phone with me everywhere, but I always seem to forget my magnifying glass. I tap the Safari Reader button, but that’s not a solution to the problem. That’s a band-aid for your bad typesetting.

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Typographic Measure Tester

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip* isicing elit, sed do eiusmod * tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Mad props to Trent Walton for that.

Also, gotta see what bold and italics and lists look like.

  • This is what you call
  • What I like to call
  • What she said
  • An unordered list
  1. This, however
  2. How mathematical
  3. Mathematical!
  4. So many numbers!
  5. I’m running out of fingers

And a paragraph following. Oh oh, blockquotes!

Someone said something once, and it was quoted – though I’m not really sure it was worth quoting, but then he decided to get really meta and: 
Quote within a quote. How does that make sense?

“Rather than send a message back to my younger self, I would destroy the message-sending technology immediately. The potential for universe-ending paradoxes is too great.”

– Jeremy Keith